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Retro Sixth Boro 69

Happy dawn of a new year.  I’m out seeing the sights of 01012024.  A decade ago, Capt Log still ranged, filling tanks wherever beckoned.  Now extinct.  Stephanie Dann and Sarah Dann tag teamed these dump barges out into wider water, where  Sarah began her solo tow south. SS United States already languished then, holding on for […]

Whole Lotta Dredgin’ 14

Here are previous iterations of this title.  Currently there’s a dredging project going on just NW of the St George ferry terminal.  Donjon’s Delaware Bay does the dredging, and Stephanie Dann shuttles the scows away toward the VZ Bridge.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is maintenance dredging. The other day Douglas […]

Summer Sail 4B

I’ve compartmentalized my photos from the Pioneer sail the other night, in part because in a short two-hour sail there was so much to see.  For starters, Stephanie Dann had earlier just rushed eastward and came back with Cornucopia Destiny, a dance partner on her starboard side.  I can speculate about this, but I don’t […]

Cranes: Weeks 533

Weeks 533 has credibility: she lifted the USAir Flight 1549 Airbus A320 out of the Hudson back almost 11 years ago and more.  So the other day when I was on my way to “yon” and saw her “hither” and she was working with Susan Miller, I decided to linger and inquire. That’s when I […]

Random Tugs 282

On a recent foggy rainy day, I caught Elk River bunkering (I believe) Maritime Kelly Anne.  That’s certainly an interesting name, although yesterday Endless Summer topped it, arriving from Brasil.  Might there be a string of ships with movie name references out on the oceans? I love how fog narrows the depth of field in […]

Random Tugs 279

Radar helps when you can’t see in the fog, but even on a clear day, you can’t see the crew operating this 2013 2000 hp tugboat, or its history . . . how it got to become a fixture in the sixth boro. Ditto this 1994 tug, operating with 3000 hp.  Here Kimberly Poling is […]

Random Tugs 215

It’s always a joy to be under way on the Hudson.  Enjoy these shots from last week. Stephanie Dann passes a chimney of what may once have been an ice house. Click here for previous Stephanie Dann photos. With the Rip Van Winkle Bridge in the background, Sapphire Coast approaches pushing Cement Transporter 1801.   […]

Left Coast (Dropper) Lowerer

About four years ago she arrived  . . . and has been lifting into place this huge structure sometimes described as one of the largest current civil engineering project in the country.  Her original name Left Coast Lifter , a ZPMC product, stuck despite attempts at New Yorkizing it, renaming it I Lift NY or Ichabod […]

Weather 11

Here are the previous weather posts.  Below . . . that’s easy:  it’s a local shower;  Evening Tide and Evening Light were in the rain, and I was not, yet. But a half hour later at the opposite end of the KVK, the clouds were truly wild.  Is there a word for these conditions?  Again, […]

Random Tugs 193

Let me start here . . . the boat below can be yours.  Click on the photo for full information.  It’s currently in the Seattle area, and I’m posting this for a friend. Turecamo Girls –this one was launched in 1965 and is rated at 1950 hp.  Here was a previous version, which may or may […]