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Random Tugs 404

Name that tug? And this one? One more? How about second looks?     They are the unmistakeable J. Arnold Witte,  peerlessly named Zeus,  and the distinctive James Charles. A lot more has been said of them here, here, and here.  A lot more will be said again in the future, I’m sure. All photos, […]

J. Arnold Witte 2

Here was part 1, all taken in Lake Erie port of Erie PA. The next four photos were taken in the Lake Ontario port of Oswego, partway through the delivery of the newbuild to the sixth boro.  I share these photos now because my most recent article in ProfessionalMariner has just come out.  Enjoy it […]

Random Tugs 407

I caught Gabby (?) trucking the other day.   Some time later, I caught Gabby returning to her base, as Grace did the same. Maddie K was southbound in the Upper Bay. Haggerty Girls was at anchor with RTC 81 as Kristy Ann pushed RTC 80, likely toward the Gate. Coral Coast pushed Cement Carrier 5300 […]

J. Arnold Witte

I’d hoped to catch this boat in the NYS Canals, but . . .   Going by the adage of  . . “if the mountain fails to come to you, you go . . .”  here’s this. Sneak preview then of J. Arnold Witte, taken yesterday on my way west. The first boat by this […]

Other Peoples Photos 115

Yesterday I posted a photo of a mill along the Cuyahoga with faded “ghostwriting” on a wall, and someone asked what was once written there.  Below, thanks to William Lafferty, is the answer.  Read this post and comments here for further info on the Fairchild mill. Upriver Kevin Oldenburg does fabulous work with his drone, […]

Random Tugs 417

The sixth boro offers so many vistas and backdrops.   The one below with J. Arnold can be identified but is not that obvious. This one with Catherine C. Miller can also be, but again . . . subtle. Gabby L. might be harder to place.  It’s actually in front of the fenced-off eyesore where the […]

Random Tugs 377

Other than ice water or a cold shower on a hot day, what’s more refreshing than than looking at some tugboat photos taken at dawn? Can’t you just feel the cool morning air?  In winter, we might bemoan the temperatures  usually lowest at sunrise;  in high summer, it’s the most peaceful and comfortable time.  Let’s […]

Non-Random Tugs 11

It’s been over 12 years that this boat has had this appearance;  before then, it was orange. Ten years ago, this one was green. I must admit I’ve gotten used to seeing them both in Donjon blue, and they look great. A year ago, this boat had not yet entered the state of New York, […]

Sixth Boro Traffic 4

Traffic, when you’re trapped in it, is not fun.  Watching commercial marine traffic, for me, never gets old, as you might know.  The more things get, the more interesting the harbor seems.    A handful of sophisticated and expensive machinery and its skilled operators jam pack this image.  I see three Centerline boats, JRT, and […]

Road Fotos 2021 E

Still not back along the sixth boro . . . and so here are more photos from along the road . . .  Some murals are faded and others recently applied.  The one below must require some local knowledge to explain the juxtaposition of agriculture and defense. Others make sense as reminders of a journey […]