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Cranes: Weeks 533 C

Weeks 533 has performed what it was built for, repeatedly, on both coasts since the 1960s, as seen on her very own Wikipedia page here.  I’ve caught only a few of her notable lifts. Truckable tug Tully Time III came out  For 50+ year old crane barge, she looks great;  more importantly, she works great. […]

Cranes: Weeks 533 B

Here was the first post in this series, but Wednesday I caught the crane again, this time being handled by a regular in the boro as well as a newcomer named Brinn Courtney, who appeared here once before as Patricia Winslow.  Thinking the better shot would be with Manhattan as background, we opted for the […]

Cranes: Flo-Sweet 2

Floating cranes have been featured here before, but never have I posted photos of a crane so sweet.  Let me explain. For starters, though, Brendan Turecamo had the barge alongside and was headed up the North River along my same route. I hadn’t much of an idea what their destination was until I saw this […]

Bafflin’ BigLift Baffin

You might be wondering what that is . . . so let me bring it closer in increments.  Of course, you may remember similar sights waiting in Gravesend previously, like here.  What’s different this time is the company carrying the new cranes.  Big Lift . . . you might remember them from the yellow-hulled “Happy […]

More Cargoes 30

Most cargo transfer in the sixth boro happens at a terminal, as with vehicles and the containers stacked up beyond the auto lot.  But some percentage of dry bulk cargo gets transferred in an anchorage, as is happening with Jade and the CMT barge below.  I believe the tug is Mister Jim. In this case […]

Random Ships 105

Or . . . first “random ships” post since September 2023, even though I’ve seen a few.   I could just leave this post with one photo.  In the background is the port of Bayonne, with a Fugro vessel Fugro Explorer tied up, likely for resupplying and/or crew change, but I’m speculating.  To the left is […]

United Heavy Lift

I’m back in the sixth boro.  And it’s always exciting to see what’s new.  The 2021 UHL Faith, an F900 Eco-Lifter fits that bill. UHL Faith first stopped at the Howland Hook docks, and Gerard Thornton got the first three photos in this post. The red tubular structures on deck are components of a crane. Right […]

Zhen Hua 29

. . . and the 40%, which I’ll explain at the end of this post. A half dozen of these vessels float the oceans, the previous ones I’ve covered in the sixth boro being 24, 20, and 10.  In order, these vessels appear to be heading for somewhere in West Africa, renamed Hua Jing 001, […]

Other Peoples Photos 115

Yesterday I posted a photo of a mill along the Cuyahoga with faded “ghostwriting” on a wall, and someone asked what was once written there.  Below, thanks to William Lafferty, is the answer.  Read this post and comments here for further info on the Fairchild mill. Upriver Kevin Oldenburg does fabulous work with his drone, […]

Retro Sixth Boro 69

Happy dawn of a new year.  I’m out seeing the sights of 01012024.  A decade ago, Capt Log still ranged, filling tanks wherever beckoned.  Now extinct.  Stephanie Dann and Sarah Dann tag teamed these dump barges out into wider water, where  Sarah began her solo tow south. SS United States already languished then, holding on for […]