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Bay Area Tugboats 3

Chincoteague and Doubleskin 802 show the Vane work flag in the Bay area, at least the other day. Crossing ahead is Centerline’s Paula M. Sperry. Arthur Brusco and Heidi L. Brusco both worked the Bay.  I’m not sure what they were doing. In the foreground, a mooring lifter, I presume. Wildcat delivered a crane, while […]

Back in the Sixth Boro 6

I’ve felt this before . . . this need to reconnect after having exercised an equal need to get away.  Here was number 5.  Getting back to that feeling of simultaneous but dueling centripetal v. centrifugal  inclinations, might there be a term for that, besides extreme ambivalence?  But I digress. You might be able to […]

LA/LB Tugboats 3

Centerline has acquired a number of these similar pushboats recently.  Darrell Hiatt Madeline G. Hamilton dates from 2020, and her 2250 2600 hp moves her 85′ 81′ x 34′ hull and whatever work she’s doing.  Eagle was launched in 1978;  she’s 98′ x 32′ and brings 6000 hp to the job. Lucy Franco‘s been around […]

Bay Area Tugboats 1

My jaunt is not done, and posts will be asynchronous aka out of order for a while.  So before I get to San Diego Tugs 2 and boats in ports south of the Bay area, let’s me post some Bay area boats.  Let’s start with Jillian Irene.  Where?  For a time, she worked in the […]

Aurora Follow-Up

Two months ago I posted the photo below in Jaunt ’24 D. Two months ago this classic* small ocean liner was a sight to see in Little Potato Slough in the area of Empire Tract and Eight Mile Road in Stockton. *classic?  I quote from an article I’ll link below:  “the classic pocket cruise ship […]

Road Photos 2024 a

I have a point to make with this post, other than putting out photos I took along the roads and streets in my March-April jaunt.  You’ll get to that point at the end.   For now, here’s something different with road photos.  Enjoy these photos  and whatever memories they bring.  In order, a 1936 Chevrolet seen […]

Keepers 2

Ida Lewis, Anthony Petit, Katherine Walker, and Joshua Appleby . . .  what might they all have in common?  Which is the outlier here?  Follow me but first check out this link to a tugster blog post from 2009. As we head into the dark months, let’s start with some bright photos from Florida in […]

Traxter 5

Of all the possible tugster variants, I’d never expected this mutation, but I hope you’re enjoying this traxcentric report on a journey as much as I’m enjoying the journey.  This part 5 is based on three [technically two] Amtrak segments from Alpine TX to Oklahoma City OK, i.e., Sunset Limited, Texas Eagle and Heartland Express. […]

Sound Ferries 2

After I return to CSF with a camera, I’ll pick up part 1 again.   For now, let’s look at another ferry line that crosses the Sound.  By the way, how many ferries do you see in the photo below? It was a foggy day in Port Jefferson that I chose to walk on for […]

Retro Sixth Boro 29

August can be hazy, and it appears that some August days in 2010 were, as below when Colleen McAllister towed dredge spoils scow GL 501 out and Brendan Turecamo (?) moved Bouchard barge B.No. 260 westbound in the Kills.  Colleen has now traveled from sun to ice out to the Great Lakes, where the 1967 […]