I’ve felt this before . . . this need to reconnect after having exercised an equal need to get away.  Here was number 5.  Getting back to that feeling of simultaneous but dueling centripetal v. centrifugal  inclinations, might there be a term for that, besides extreme ambivalence?  But I digress.

You might be able to identify the location above and below, and maybe the tugboat.   Answer follows.  I saw the sister tugboat–Cape Ann-in San Pedro here.  The tanker is Yasa Pelican, now anchored off Long Beach NY.

Farther from my location, Silver Houston awaited an escort in.

A short distance away nicely illuminated Kristy Ann and RTC 80 were standing by over at IMTT.

All photos, any errors, WVD, who still has photos to process from my jaunt.

The tugboat with DBL 101 is Cape Canaveral and is in the Arthur Kill as of now.

A year ago, I was at the start of a long, compensated indulgence of restlessness.