Why am I republishing some photos from a March 2013 post?

Here’s why: the documentary is now on YouTube here.  If you’ve never seen the 32-minute documentary, now you can watch it free.  If you have seen it, have a second look to see how well it has stood up.  If you’ve friends who’ve never seen it, please pass it along to as many of them as you want.

Apologies if you’ve heard me say this before, I’d read about this place years before I actually moved to the NYC area.  It gave me great satisfaction to see it, research what was there, and share that.

Producer Gary Kane and I thank you for your interest.  We also express thanks to all those who agreed to be interviewed in the documentary and helped in a variety of ways, including the good folks at DonJon Recycling.  Special thanks to Bonnie who convinced me to paddle there with her.

All photos above were taken more than 10 years ago by Will Van Dorp, who took the next photo, ILI 105 aka Michigan,  just over two years ago.  I’d call that photo “nature’s resilience.”