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People on the Boro 34

A couple days ago in the 77 Days post (which I’ve since learned added up to 79 days) I saw a mariner I know on the boro on a Maersk container vessel. Most of the time though I don’t know the folks I see working on the water.  The folks in yellow and orange coats […]

People on the Boro 33

Keyport Princess dropped anchor in front of the Statue the other morning.  Does anyone need more proof that fish are currently thriving in the boro? Climate Change also came through the boro from the Sound, no doubt heading for warmed waters for the next half year, but while transiting,  this boater takes in the beauty […]

People on the Boro 32

See the crew? Scale is interesting here, even though Torrente is NOT a large container ship by today’s global standards. Now you see him clearly, but recall the context provided by the first image. That line is bigger around than his arm, yet gossamer compared with the ship and the tug. With line all made […]

People on the Boro 31

The recent period of extended summer in the boro means crew are out, enjoying fresh air, like these guys.  I always wonder who these seafarers are, where  they are from, how seafaring has shaped their lives and families, as well as how long they’ve been at sea, both on this voyage and over the course […]

People on the Boro 30

Spring, for a few more weeks, means it’s no longer winter.  Warmer temperatures bring mariners out, to clean glass, to plan the docking procedure, to flake out the lines, to retireve the boom . . . although these boom guys have to be out all year round, as do all the crew above. Spring temperatures […]

People on the Boro 29

Thirty years ago the pose below did not exist.  From a long way off, I recognized what he was doing, and given the location, he made sure WTC and other points of the skyline made the background. Here too, the deckhand on Ava M. conveys clearly that he’s waiting for the messenger line to come […]

People on the Boro 28

First, thanks to Michele for helping me find a way to adjust photos here so that they enlarge when clicked. The KVK is one of those places where mariners can be seen working:  no gate pass or special access required.  They might be preparing the gangway, all harnessed in as a shipmate operates the controls. […]

People on the Boro 27

Essential workers spend the holidays at the job site.  They always have.   Here‘s a list of types of essential workers, note that this crewman needs to catch up on sleep. I’ll let you read the faces and body language, but I’d say they’re catching up on news since they have a signal on their […]

People on the Boro 26

This is a photo emblematic of our time . . .  two seafarers.  I could even speculate comfortably about their nationality.  The older man to the left has no mask, and the other, with mask, is on his device.  This can only be 2020. Ditto here . . . the masked seafarer standing watch, leaning […]

People on the Boro 25

Here are previous installments of this title, all conjectural, especially given that the seafarers here might have a difficult time getting tourist visas to walk freely around the other boros of NYC.  Yet here they are, seeing what sights they can as their vessels transit the channels to and from the docks. Remember the Miroslav […]