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Random Ships 107

The sixth boro sees a large number and wide variety of ships.  JRT and Margaret Moran assist Bochem Houston off the dock and sail it farther into the Kills.  Bochem Houston, a 2023-build for Stolt, is one of six “ammonia-ready” tankers.  More on ammonia fuel here.   I’ve still not learned anything about the Amogy project. […]

Random Ships 106

Actually I could call this random ULCVs 16, since I haven’t done one of these in over a year.  However, I prefer to call this “random ships” because what I called by that title a generation back in 2007 and 2008 all looked very different.  And, for containerized cargo, ULCVs are not as unique as […]

Random Ships 105

Or . . . first “random ships” post since September 2023, even though I’ve seen a few.   I could just leave this post with one photo.  In the background is the port of Bayonne, with a Fugro vessel Fugro Explorer tied up, likely for resupplying and/or crew change, but I’m speculating.  To the left is […]

Random Ships 104

I’ve taken hundreds of photos of ships since I last used this title, back in April here. I don’t tire of watching them, and sometimes can find nothing better to do anyhow.  Monte Alegre here  was launched in Romania back in 2008. Happy Ranger has been around a decade longer than Monte Alegre. It arrived […]

Random Ships, Voyage Length

Quick question:  how long would it take a ship to sail from Busan to NYC’s sixth boro?  How long, Yokohama to here?  A flight might be around 24 hours.  Answer follows specifically for these two ships. Maersk Sirac arrived here Saturday during that wild weather. Bruce A. McAllister was one of the escort vessels. R […]

Really Random Ships 3

Let’s start in the SLSW.  Algoberta here transits the South Shore Canal;  that’s the Saint Lawrence itself to the left of the barrier.  The river drops there about 45′ in three miles of distance.  Today, a month after I took the next several photos, snow already has dusted the bank. From 2007 until last year, […]

Random Ships West Coast 2

Exy (Electa) Johnson may be less familiar than Irving Johnson, but they were a couple, and are memorialized as a couple by Los Angeles Maritime Institute naming twin brigantines for them.  You may have seen the film Irving made aboard Peking in 1929 as it rounded Cape Horn;  if not, click here. Here are the […]

Random Ships West Coast 1

I’ve moved inland and eastward and will systematically or not work through the photos I gleaned along the coast.  I’ll start with USS Recruit, a landlocked training “structure” in San Diego. Read more here.  Here’s a frontal view of LCS-22, USS Kansas City, and . stern view of same class LCS-24 Oakland. T-AO-207 Earl Warren […]

Random Ships 103

The sixth boro always provides lots to look at and wonder about.  USNS Watson and Regulus, both are getting some service at Bayonne dry dock.  Heroic Leader, 7500-car capacity, departs with “who-knows-what” in her hold.  She’s currently approaching the Panama Canal Ever Front arrived soon after  Ever Fame had departed.  There are a total of […]

Random Ships 102

Seen yesterday by Donald Edwards . . . whose photos previously appeared here. The story behind the paint job follows.  Today’s post features exactly what the title says . . . a random set of recent visitors to the sixth boro, like the 2015 Hafnia Raven, here escorted in by Margaret Moran.  Bass is a […]