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Random Tugs 410

Enjoy a few more from that day it was raining and I was waiting around.  Another detail is that I was charging the battery on my camera #1 and used my older #2. Jason Reinauer looks just as good with this camera, but I’ve developed a new interest, harder to satisfy, seeing their hull design.  […]

New Names 5

Spanky and Miss Crabtree have been around for a while, as has Robert IV.  But the small yellow/green tug to the left is new, maybe the newest hull in the boro, and a real . . .  Desperado!  I love it.  Might there be a string of tugs and barges with southwestern names? Meanwhile, elsewhere […]

Old Hulls, Old and New Names 3

Long shadows, rocky bank, a moody sky, and recognize that unit? Marc N is not a familiar name . . . It’s a lion boat, and   . . . oh yeah, Adeline Marie has had a couple of earlier names as here. Marc N was previously B. No. 284, I believe.  All photos, any errors, […]

Thanks to Kyle Stubbs E

Many thanks to Kyle Stubbs for sending along these photos.   Recognize these tugboats below?  Answer follows. He saw and took this photo of Osprey  in Vallejo CA in November 2022. Osprey above is 125′ x 38′ and propulsion power of 6140 hp .  Sun Spirit below is 122′ x 37′ and the same hp as […]

Non-Random Tugs 14

A big thumbs up to the team for the appearance of this boat.  The livery really pops, especially in the early morning sun.  Silver–if that is the color between the lime green trim lines–this glossy silver is rarely used for tugboats that I know, and I, for one, would love to see it more widely […]

Evening Mist Then and Now

Here’s a March 2017 photo of Evening Mist, one of many I took over the years,  her big tugboat lines lessened by this the second upper wheelhouse she had carried.  A previous one she had as Captain Dann.  She was recently transformed again, and a few days ago I finally caught Evening Mist in her […]

Old Hulls, New Names Redux

I’m following up here from May, this post. I won’t tell you the name yet, but here are some hints:  she carried the same name for 40 years and it was changed only in this fall. More clues:  106′ x 35′ and 5100 hp. This is a deviation from her new livery, but if you’re […]

New Names, New Hulls 2

Here was the the first in this series. You can’t see the signage, but I have it on good authority that the 1982 Ellen S. Bouchard is now Jeffrey S.  And heading for the sixth boro is the 1982 ex-Rhea I. Bouchard, newly named, The Beatrice. Also new to the sixth boro and only recently launched […]

Transformations 4 Follow-Up

It has taken awhile, but yesterday I got the follow-up shots I’ve been looking for since August 2021.  Welcome, Mary Emma. I first saw her as an earlier Frederick E. Bouchard (pre-2015) and then as the second Evening Light, the first boat to carry that name being a product of Matton shipyard in Cohoes and […]

Random Nola Tugs 7

“What do you like about New Orleans?”  A friend asked me that recently.  Different answers exist: ubiquitous and diverse music, unique architecture, history and present through all the senses, spicy and delicious food, free spirits, bons temps roulants…  this list can be even longer.  But for me, the traffic on the river is without rival […]