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With the move of Cape Kennedy, and the two dead ship operations on May 14, that means three in less than a week. Two you ask?  Here’s the evidence:   Dorothy Day promenaded from St George to Caddells for some spa treatment.

The promenaders were Henry Girls and Katrina, aka Pelham.

The sixth boro never ceases to demonstrate that it too never sleeps.  Actually, I’d argue that the sixth boro sees more night excitement than the other five boros combined!  Well, it should at least be discussed. 


All photos, any errrors, WVD.

Why details change?  Well, the sixth boro is dynamic because  it’s filled with work boats, and a work boat, like a taxi, earns no money when it’s anchored or docked.


From a photography perspective, foggy, drizzly weather has a way of highlighting the subject , provided the subject is in the right space .  Henry Girls’ unique livery look great at this distance, enhanced by that opposing duck.

We had a lot of this weather this January in the sixth boro.  A  subdued background makes Justine‘s profile the unchallenged subject, as if it were in a narrow field.

A drizzly, mizzly dawn puts Quenames and her barge in the bright lights.

Ditto Seeley with her livery.

There’s a difference between the photos above and those below.  I’ll tell you at the end of the post.  Any guesses before then?

Andrea light and Bruce A. accompanying a ONE ship


Miriam alongside a tanker and Douglas J light . . . 

 . . . all four were from this January and the last four were all from January 2023, that’s the difference.  Of course, I’m speaking from a mood and not from any scientific tally, but was January mostly rainy, foggy, and lacking in clear days and intense snow falls in the sixth boro?


All photos, any errors, complete lack of meteorological data, WVD.


I’m not sure what was going on the other morning, but I was there to record it.  Maybe it was just a warm-up or a training run, but 

despite the chill, maybe because of the cold air,

Henry Girls looked good as she 

sashayed east, sashayed back west, 

and then disappeared round the bend.

Here she was 10+ years ago.

All photos, WVD.


New Year’s dawn interests me much more than old year’s countdown away.  These are some sights I saw in the first daylight of 2024.

Integrity and her barge were alongside IMTT;  currently they’re Galveston bound and off Cape Hatteras.

Lincoln Sea has already been from IMTT to Providence and is heading back west.  

Denali is New England bound as of this posting.

Count the boats here?

I’d say a dozen of more.

Teal Ray was just coming in, and has now

headed out for Tampa.

All photos, any errors, WVD.


Cold weather coincides with clear air, 

which makes great photos, like the one below of two Smith Marine Towing Corporation tugboats, Privateer to the left and Predator to the right and each with a dumper scow.


The Smith boats are working on one of an almost handful of dredging projects currently happening in the boro.

Another fleet quite busy in handling seasonal “road safety product” aka NaCl is

Coeyman’s Helen above and Daisy Mae below.

A regular boat in the boro is Miss Ila.

Justine McAllister here is working with RCM 262 alongside.

Henry Girls waited out at Caddells, but I had to move along before I saw what she did next.

And finally in the resplendent light of a cold morning, 

Patricia Jean headed over to pick up some barges.  The boat first appeared here back in 2009 as Mary Gellatly.

All photos, any errors, WVD.


From several miles away, I judged this boat to be Henry Girls by AIS location,  but the sighting said I was wrong, wrong boat.

Clearly this was George Holland, formerly Sassafras.

Following George, though, this was unmistakably Henry Girls,

my first time to see the boat with this name.  For over a decade, she’s been on the hard with the previous name.

Henry Girls, it’s great to see you out there and working.



All photos, any errors, WVD.

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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


July 2024