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Uh . . .

Other than that the name of the vessel below seems entirely Thai, I don’t know what to say.

Want a list of Stolt tankers?  Click here. Sypress, I believe, is the Norwegian name for the conifer tree spelled differently in English.  For all the ones already posted in tugster, click here.

Battersea Park . . .  is a park south of the Thames.

Low light photos are only sometimes interesting . . .

At first one might think Glovis is the vessel name, but upon closer study,

clearly it’s not and the company is likely Korean, given the text.  Previous Glovis vessels can be found here.

Cariboo is a 2012 scrap-loaded bulk carrier currently most of the way to Egypt;  where it goes from there I don’t know, but  scrapped beams, cars, trucks, and boats end up in the hold of vessels like Cariboo.

And finally, we return to that first vessel, the nameless one.  My suspicion is that it may be between owners.  The IMO number, however, stays with the vessel like a VIN, and the IMO number says that the name might be/have been Energy Trophy, a crude tanker.

All photos and any errors by Will Van Dorp.

Maybe someone can explain this . . .   late last week, six ROROs, of which one was Glovis Comet arrived in the port.   Six!  Is this odd?  Am I missing something?



Ivory Coast

Christian Reinauer

Ross Sea

C. Angelo

Scott Turecamo, New Hampshire, and Brendan Turecamo

Curtis and RTC 82

Mary Alice and Nan Lin Wan

Pearl Coast and Cement Transporter 1801

MSC Maureen, Jonathan C. Moran, and Kirby Moran

All photos taken in April 2018 by Will Van Dorp.


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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


July 2024