When January has ended and winter still holds us in its icy grip, some folks around the sixth boro get together and engage in group therapy to exorcise the  demons of  cold and isolation.  Here and here are previous sessions.

Here’s a group shot of those seeking solace from the debilitation of February fevers and agues last evening at the Ear Inn about 8 pm.

Frogma, who issued the convocation to gather, launches into the treatment:  evoke summer future  and

conjure up villains of summers past, no

matter how toothy.

There’s always next summer, when spirits will be again youthful and carefree,


Here’s Adam’s account of last night.  Besides Frogma and TQ, also representing different takes on the sixth boro last night were Carolina of PortSide NewYork, Peconic Puffin, Rick Old Salt, John and Vicky (who drew the mermaid above) of Summit to Shore, Bowsprite (who shaded in the shark and breathed life into it) , and yours truly (whose fingers extruded the outline of the shark, as if from tribal memory of terror).

And this just in:  Puffin Michael’s version of the events.

All fotos by Will Van Dorp .  . who was particularly geography-challenged last night.