I just hoped the weather forecast was wrong, that the sun would appear.  Instead  . . . a lot of overcast.  But no matter, the sixth boro is a space of many moods, like a lot of people.  And beauty or at least points of interest can be found even under brooding skies.   Like Mississippi-built Brendan J. Bouchard . . .

or Maine-built Laura K. Moran . . . both less than an hour after sunrise.

Before 0800,  Miriam Moran and Kimberly Turecamo, both built in Morgan City, LA, prepare to

prepare to shift Chang Hang Tan Suo, built in Huludao, China.   Note the spare prop on deck.

Bering Sea moves DBL 27 out the east end of KVK, as

Brendan Turecamo (like Bering Sea . . . built in Houma, LA) moves west.  Note the distortion of distant lights right above Brendan‘s exhaust gases.

By 0900, clouds have turned the harbor colors many hues of gloomy, and Kimberly has moved on to the next assist.  By then, the local constabulary have asked me to move on . . . possibly wondering why I’d be taking fotos of of such a somber scene . . .

Chang Hang Tan Suo moves to an anchorage, and

Taurus (also out of Houma) moves into the Upper Bay.  And for me, second breakfast and some really hot tea.

So is my restlessness showing?  All fotos this morning by Will Van Dorp.

Chang Hang Tan Suo has appeared on this blog before.

Totally related:  Here’s random traffic from December and August.