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The jaunt goes on, way inland in the snow for the moment, although I’m coming back to the coast.  Snow jaunt photos will catch up, but now I need to go back over a week and start catching up on more tugstesque photos, beginning with a previously sixth boro–and East Coast–boat, Katherine.  You remember her, right?  Her Pacific Maritime Group (PMG) livery is quite similar to her Weeks colors.

Edison Chouest has what is arguably the most unique livery, as seen from these ECO tugboats.

Taken sightly different angle than the photo above, the photo below shows C-Tractors 9, 7, and 10, with an unidentified ECO tugboat in the rear. 

Master dates from 1998, first in the Harbor class.

Here she and Tioga (1994) depart a job just completed. 

Scout is the fifth in the Harbor series.

I started with a PMG boat, and I’ll end with another PMG boat with an interesting history, Blarney

dating from 1945.  More PMG in the next post.

All photos, any errors, WVD.

Unrelated:  To understand what likely happened in Baltimore, watch this 6-minute video  from Sal, up just a couple hours after the incident:  as a friend wrote, Sal is the best.

Today’s post:  For the next few weeks, I’ll follow a planned, circuitous route back home to the sixth boro from the Pacific side by car and train.  Some posts with photos from the sixth boro are in the hopper controlled by the robots in Tugster tower ready to post if WiFi and time fail me.  If you want to follow along, I’m posting mostly photos because–given limited time– the more text,  the fewer postings.  Thanks for following along if you so choose.  You’ll be able to figure out most of the photos, I’ll assume.  See the tags for help.  I’m starting in San Diego, then planning to zigzag across the country using Amtrak and rental car.

This post has a FEW of the 250+ photos from days 1 and 2.











Remember this Katherine?





All local knowledge and hospitality… thanks to George Schneider.  All photos any errors, WVD, who did this last year as traxter.


Is the Commander around here too?  How about the Mistress, although that name might cause some complications or misgivings.    Other names I’ve recently noticed on AIS approaching the sixth boro include Artemis Angler (great name for a research vessel, although I associate Artemis more with hunting than fishing) and King Baton Rouge.  King Red Stick would conjure up very different connotations.

For a very different set of associations, suppose you operated a company called Modern American Recycling Services, and you purchased a tugboat, like Paul T. Moran, which in fact they did.  What name would you choose to rechristen your boat?

The photos above in mine in the sixth boro, and the photo below comes from eastriver from somewhere.  I’m giving you more time to ponder my question here.  Remember the company name is Modern American Recycling Services.

And the new name is M.A.R.S. War Machine.  Now if you saw this name on your AIS for a vessel approaching from just over the horizon, would you change course just a little to ensure that it stays over the horizon?  That combo-name would summon thoughts of War of the Worlds

Photos by eastriver and WVD.

For all the 46 previous posts on remarkable names, click here.

For a previous post with a tug named Warhorse, click here.  With a hat tip to Hannibal, are there any boats out there named for a pachyderm?

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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


July 2024