Today the line locker has some updates.  From October 2018, Port Colborne Pics 4

Click on the link in the previous paragraph for more photos.

from Sept 2007 Dutch Treat.

Click on the 2007 link above and you’ll even see what she looked like inside back then.  Peggy Huckel took some photos of the 1903 two-masted aak in Hudson NY this past weekend, and the update was not pretty.

I don’t know what the story is, but she’s slathered everywhere with thick, indiscriminate gray paint.

Does anyone know the details:  how long she’s been there, how’d she get there, what her future may be. . . ?

Here is more on the 1952 MichipicotenHere is an image of her listing.  Her days may be over.  Here’s a boatnerd thorough history of the freighter.

Here is more on Golden Re’al.  Here is more on the long-time owner, Richard Manack.

The first three photos, WVD.  The other three, Peggy Huckel.

Unrelated but this is a “line locker” post:  Eco Edison is now in Providence RI.