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This image could fit into the series “port of.”  Or, it could be fit into the gunkholes etc series or even the canal steamers series.

No matter where it could be classified, the facts are these:  said to be taken by a photographer named Marsh in the Buffalo River near the D&H Railroad property on September 22, 1916.  Enjoy looking at the details.  I’ll add what I know at the end. 

Below is the entire print.

Left side, 

Take 2, closer up on the left side.

Right side.

Take 2, right side.

Whaleback steamer Atikokan was launched at American Steel Barge in Superior WI in May 1895 as John B. Trevor.  A few years before the above photo, it was blown ashore along the St. Clair River in Michigan.  Lots of photos were taken, as here and here. Two crew appear clearly in take 2 left side, and one crew in take 2 right side.  Also, along the right side, a steam tug and a small steamer are tied alongside one the other.  There’s also a clear image of a wooden canal boat between the steamers and Atikokan.  Also, on the sterm of Atikokan, a crewman looks off to the right. 

Another whaleback, SS Meteor, appears here

Many thanks to Craig Williams for allowing me to see the image, and others, housed in the archives of the Canal Society of New York State, who holds their annual winter symposium in Rochester on Saturday March 2.  Registration and more information can be found here.  See you there.

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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


February 2024