You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 9, 2024.

Some of these are iconic, others taken for granted, and still others might not be seen as memorable but their history is yet to be made.

Three of the boats that overnight at Ellis Island are paid for by taxes.   Annie Moore (to the left) is one I’d love to see close up. 

Up against that gray backdrop is Hayward.  Anyone know how long she’s been in the boro?  Answer follows.

The government operates 67 of these 87‘ patrol boats.

Any guesses on the huge gray backdrop in the graving dock in Bayonne?

Here’s a Newark fireboat.  Does it have a name or number?  How many fireboats does Newark have?  I don’t know the answer.  There’s lots of talk and opinion pieces written since last summer of additional fireboats and training in Port Newark. 

The next few I took on the road . . . like USNS Charlton, one of 33 around the planet.

For the moment, Gary I. Gordon is MV, not USNS.

Denebola and Antares need to be ready to sail at short notice.  I recently learned that this class are among the fastest cargo vessels in the world.

All those grays are stealthy, and some argue we don’t have enough stealth and gray capacity.  The government vessel below was built for one government and since WW2 has sailed for another.  If you want a fantastic read about the vessel below in New London CT, read Capt. G. McGowan’s The Skipper & the Eagle. 

All photos, any errors, WVD.

And finally, Hayward will celebrate a half century in the boro next January.  See her history here

Up until last week, the big gray backdrop in Bayonne was USNS Red Cloud, but it has just returned to Norfolk, and another gray vessel has taken its place. More on that later. 

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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


February 2024