This could become a series with a title that sounds a bit like a professional association.  Maybe I should create a shingle saying so, at least while I’m contractually bound to redefine my personal gallivanting.

Atlantic Sky has taken on that rough and rusty ACL signature look of the previous generation of  their CONROs.


Name those Moran tugs?

Yes, Elka is indeed astir and rotating out to sea… 

…with assistance from Miriam Moran and Mary Turecamo.

Finally, from a certain Sindbad, a vessel “built on purpose,” rather than –say–without same, or at random . . . maybe? If you’re new to this blog, you might check previous posts on vessel names . . . here. 

The design on the external tank suggests this is a dragon ship, but the Grenadier #Built on Purpose seems to allude to an entirely different machine.  I’m confused. Misdirection going on here maybe?

All photos except the last one, WVD, who’s northbound again on fresh water in the lengthening darkness.