You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 14, 2023.

I’m posting this in the last and single-digit hours of this hitch, catching up on photos before getting back to the sixth boro.  Hey . . . in a few days the mermaids march!!

I hope you enjoy today’s installment.  Let’s have a glance back at CSL Welland and its fabulous superstructure mural . . .

to mark the 2022 Niagara Canada Games . . . and tout the fact that it burns biofuel.  Maybe someone can unpack what exactly that means.  Of course, I know the athletes, as is true for us all, burn biofuel.  I’m wondering what art might come to a superstructure in connection with 2023 games.

Happy River is a regular on the Lakes.

USACE Detroit District site might be the best place to keep up with demolition and other work in connection with the creation of the new lane, the lane that’ll make redundancy for the “footers” that work the Upper Lakes. 

Anyhow, there’s a whole lotta wreckin’ going on.

Messenger lines out . . . USACE crew walk us through until the big lines go onto the right bollards.

Cheraw is docked today. 

Shirley Ann (ex-Kurt R. Luedtke) looks quite good. 

John G. Munson was upbound.  I’ll pick another day for more of Munson.

I’ve no information on this boat.

And for a big finish . . . it was exciting to see this unit off Waugoshance Shoal Light . . .

St Marys Challenger is one of the oldest vessels on the Lakes, and I’m sure I’ll be corrected for a statement like that.  Until about a decade ago, she was a self-propelled laker.  Now she’s a barge

pushed by Prentiss Brown, none other than the ex-Michaela McAllister

All photos, any errors, WVD, who’s homeward bound in a handful of hours. 

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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


June 2023