… and random thoughts.  A ship with a name that recalls  inauguration anchored in the sixth boro Wednesday.  It seems that Faithful‘s sibling ships mostly end in -less.  Imagine the possible confusion given that siblings are Timeless, Priceless, Endless, etc.  “Yes, my dear, I just signed on to sail Faithless.”


All fotos taken by Will Van Dorp since January 20.


Snow’s not falling, but the temperature has


stayed wintry.  Ice coats Caspian Sea passing Opal Express, whose name flustered me from a distance when I read the second letter as “r” instead of “p.”  “Oral Express calling traffic.”  Possible confusion of names there too, like the “Ham Berry” v. Hammurabi of some months back.


New tugs (to me at least)


have arrived.   See her launch here!


TGI . . . getting toward spring.  Fifty degrees when I left work today.

Photos, WVD.