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. . . the movie.  I’d thought to call this “getting closer to Rita” or DDSS.  Why?  Scuttlebutt had it that today was loading day, so I left home before 6, and the big orange back of Blue Marlin was still riderless.  Otherwise, things were not the same but very similar to yesterday.  Same people casting bunker out to stripers that never seem to bite, same hazy weather, and different strange profiles in the air.  Tom . . . can you identify this one, replica of something 1911ish?

Same illusion of the heavy-lift vessel trying on a sloop rig, although I have no identification of the boat.

Different older tug (Vane Brothers’ Endeavor  1970) happening past.

Fleet’s still in the sixth boro, here passed by 1998 Kuwaiti container vessel Al-Abdali.

Vane’s  Susquehanna passes,

while in the other direction Houma stands by as sludge gets pumped off Stena Poseidon, and farther out  Lions Gate Bridge heads for sea.

Jennifer and James Turecamo escort in Stolt Aquamarine.

Turecamo Girls poses the same question I do . . . when?

Allie B heads for sea with scow GL 66.

Choptank heads for sea with a doubleskin barge on the wire.

while some scaups glide out to sea themselves . . .  and at least they and the cormorants were catching breakfast.

Parting shot for today . . . and it seems to say USM on the vertical stabilizer . . .?  Maybe Jonathan has a new air platform?

In the Groundhog Day movie, 42 days go by . . . .  hmmmm, maybe by July 4, Blue Marlin will free itself and all the rest of us from this temporal loop.  But …oh the things we’ll see and learn!  Meanwhile, if you haven’t watched this stop-action show of the fleet passing the cliff at Stevens Institute of Technology yesterday, click here and let it load.

Meanwhile here’s an idea for a Memorial Day activity from WNYC:  Interview a vet.  

All fotos by Will Van Dorp between 6 and 9 this morning.

Added later:  Joe’s clue led me to the airplane:  it a replica of a 1911 Ely-Curtiss built and flown by  Bob Coolbaugh.

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