You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 2, 2024.

Installment 14 is below, but first, following up on 13 today allows me to update the project reported on back then . . . we are days, maybe hours, away from the initial closure of the  “gap” river between Detroit and Windsor, not that it will open for use any time soon.

I came down to the East River bank about two weeks ago hoping to confirm the name of that distant catamaran, when suddenly . . .


Just before that, I’d seen this advert in a subway car.

And along that same tidal strait, this!  Off schedule mermaids?  A merscout?

I froze, easily imagining that any noise would make her open her eyes . . .and hiss, or worse.

Yes, I read read the cat’s

name to confirm it was the SeaQuinn I’d seen on AIS.

But no, truth be told, although I really did imagine those eyes opening and that I’d be busted as violating someone’s space, this was not a sudden apparition.  I expected a Carol  Feuerman piece to be here because I’d first encountered another,

this one.  


These are larger-than-life size and go beyond realistic to

hyper-realistic.  See the water droplets on the “legs.”

Do read her artist’s statement, the impact that seeing migrants on inner tubes had on her. The statement is here.  As stated above, the sculptures are larger-than-life size.  More on Feuerman here

All photos, any errors, WVD.

Is 2024 the year of hyper-realism on the East River?  If so, what more might we expect?

You can see previous installments of riverbanks here.

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My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


June 2024