You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 25, 2023.

All I’ll say about this boat . . . as I witnessed the other day . . . is that it should be renamed “outa my way.”

Had I not heard a story in the harbor about a trans-oceanic rower that left the statue and got just beyond the Narrows when a fire broke out . . .

I’d not have understood what I photo’d the other day.  See the scorch marks above the rear compartment hatch?

And by summer’s end, I suspect the “Boblo boat building,” a landmark along the Detroit River, will be no more.  Here’s what was left in early June.  Later this year I should follow up this photo with a post showing it as I’ve seen it the past half decade.

And finally, speaking of Boblo boats and “gone,” Steamer Ste Clair experienced a fire in summer 2018.  I’d caught this photo just before the fire.

This was a month or so after the fire, which folks described as catastrophic.

You can imagine how surprised I was then to see it a few weeks ago still there, and it even appears to have re undergone some rebuilding and repainting.

All photos, any errors or opinions, WVD.


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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


June 2023