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The sixth boro always provides lots to look at and wonder about.  USNS Watson and Regulus, both are getting some service at Bayonne dry dock. 

Heroic Leader, 7500-car capacity, departs with “who-knows-what” in her hold.  She’s currently approaching the Panama Canal

Ever Front arrived soon after 

Ever Fame had departed.  There are a total of 20 Ever F-class vessels, including the now unfortunate but now operating again Ever Forward.  At least half the class has already appeared on tugster.  Note the differences between E Front and E Fame . . . look at the house and the stacks.  I should do a post about this.

CMA CGM Columba has appeared on this blog before.

Let’s hope the tanker Merapi  does not go the way of its possible namesake?  And might the bulker Stoja be named for the singer?

Once again with Pacific Jade, we see the big LNG tanks that seem to be increasingly common in the sixth boro.  Alongside is Andrea, appearing here for the second time in this post.  Find the other?

CMA CGM Magellan has been here before, always making me think of Mactan

Frankopan has the distinction of a Zadar registry.  Know where that is?

All photos, any errors, WVD.

Here’s the answer about Zadar. 


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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


July 2024