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Junkster 1 featured well-aged luxury US steel, chrome, and paint.  This post could follow from Truckster! 9 and especially ! 10, and although I’m tempted to repost some of the photos from late 2018, I won’t.  These are all new photos.  

Here’s a first, a wood-burning pizza truck on Key Highway in Baltimore.  Come warm weather, I need to return here, and sample it.  Fold back the black cap and you’ll have a complete pizza oven.  Apologies for placing this under the title junkster, because this Dodge seems to quite far from junk.  Here’s a link to (a first on tugster) an Instagram account, theirs, Key Neapolitan by Verde.

Now for the offroad trucks, giving “offroad” a whole new meaning.  This one appears to be both paint storage locker and canvas.  Maybe one of these years I need to inquire what it would coast to have a birthday tribute Pollock-style splashed onto the sheet metal panel truck.

Nestled between Cadillacs and somewhat out of the weather, it’s a 1946 Ford stake body once used in a 1983 movie starring some famous country singers and more.  I’ll let you guess who.  Answer at the end of the post.

This looks like an early 1960s light delivery truck painted in military colors just blending into the woods.  Rust, after all, blends into the pine-needle brown. 

I’ve not yet seen the Cadillac ranch, but this pickup wall is worthy of more acclaim.

I wonder if the Hamrick School is missing one of their buses, a circa 1957 GMC bus that got lost in a parking lot a few decades back.

This truck seems to be around the same vintage.  I love the green tint to the trim.  I wonder if Tesla offers a green trim package like this.

It’s surprising a certain 11-season series never chose White GA as a location, given that so much of it was filmed in the same state.

That mid-1940s Ford truck was used in the movie Murder in Coweta County, starring John Cash, June Carter Cash, and Andy Griffith.  You can watch it on YouTube, although there might be some uncomfortable scenes of a past world. 

All photos, any errors, WVD.

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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


February 2024