You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 24, 2023.

Every now and then, the truck hopper fills up and I post;  the vehicle below triggers the”full” signal and generates this post.  I’d call it a beach ambulance, since I took the photo on Coney Island.  It’s likely well suited for rescues on the sand.

Speaking of sand, here’s a scoured pick in way south Texas I saw while following the border there in March.


Not much later, I took a detour in Queens before sunrise and saw this beauty in pre-dawn light.

This one was in front of a tattoo parlor in Ontario.

How about a vintage 1950-something IH wrecker?

This late 1940s Ford art project has a unique beauty as well.  I have to say I don’t understand such art projects though.

Finally, since we are officially in early summer, enjoy these two throwbacks to early spring in the U.P. of the great state of Michigan.

Yes, it was spring.  Leaves don’t pop until nearly summer here.

All photos, WVD, who saw a truck on the Trans-Canada Highway yesterday that begs to be added . . . a truck tanker marked “schooner.”



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Documentary "Graves of Arthur Kill" is on YouTube.

Read my Iraq Hostage memoir online.

My Babylonian Captivity

Reflections of an American detained in Iraq Aug to Dec 1990.


June 2023