Elapsed time from the first to last foto in this batch is five minutes . . . what it takes to travel from the Erie Lackawanna terminal south to the old NJ Central Railroad Station.  Know what this gray vessel is?  Doubleclick enlarges.

For a sense of what the Jersey City waterfront looked like a half century ago, see wavz13’s fantastic set of flickr fotos here.    The yellowish cube on the right side of the foto (stern of vessel) is a Holland Tunnel ventilator.  A matching vent on the Manhatan side of the river can be seen on wavz13’s foto.

All these fotos come compliments of bowsprite;  I’ve always felt blessed to have her eyes on the sixth boro at times and in places mine are not.

Long a fan of landing craft, bowsprite “loaded” different aspects of the 2011 JC waterfront onto the LCU.

Carrying the Hyatt here is LCU-2011 Chickhominy, the number NOT indicative of the year of launch/delivery, which was late September 1990.

Click here for close-ups of the vessel.

Where it was headed that day–mid-September I don’t know.  My guess is that it started in West Point, but that’s just a guess.   Google shows it in various places along the Atlantic seaboard in the early months of 2011.

Many thanks to bowsprite for this set.