In November the winds brewed up a season that has given people of all boros enough snow to raise the stock value of shovel manufacturers:  a crewman shoveling yesterday at the ferry fuel barges.  Doubleclick enlarges.

It covered everything like the  deck of small tanker Patrick Sky,

glazing surfaces on tormented Carina here taking on supplies from the deck of Twin Tube.

McKinley Sea still carried her

snowy trim, and

as did Laurie Ann Reinauer.

Even crew on tanker Lian An Hu cleared sixth boro snow.

And this ferry captain scraped clear the cowl after Newhouse was secured in Whitehall.

More NYC sixth boro snow fotos tomorrow.  For now, the final foto below comes thanks to Kyran Clune.  Guess the ferry and the location?  Answer tomorrow along with another foto of the same vessel.

All other fotos by Will Van Dorp, the morning after a storm that dropped 19′ on Central Park.   Uhhh . . . make that 19″   or it might be enough fell that a 19′ snow creature could be built beside Cleopatra’s needle.  (Nice catch, John!!)

According to NYTimes, January 2011 has already seen 36″ fall;  the previous high was 1925 with 27.4.